750 ml
53.5% ABV
The tent zipper whirs open; there’s a pre-dawn glow. A stream quietly babbles through a mossen bend; rustling spruce and aspen dance and sway. The air is aromatized by pine resin and dampen campfire coals. Today’s adventure will be a good one. Greetings from Colorful Colorado; please enjoy this whiskey in the fresh air.
Elements used:
Straight peated malt, 4.5-6.5 years
Straight malt, 6 years
Sherry cask finish, 7 years
Secondary aged Ten Essentials, 5.5-7.5 years
Root Shoot roasted malt whiskey, 4.5 years
Youngest whiskey: 4 years, 6 months
Distilled & aged in Boulder, Colorado